UCF’s Policy on Alcohol & Drugs

Teaching students about the standards and guidelines to alcohol and drugs on campus

Posted Thursday, June 7, 2018 @ 4:27 PM

The University of Central Florida has established a set of standards and guidelines in regard to the possession, sale, serving, and consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs on our campus. In accordance with the state of Florida statutes, they declare that it is “unlawful for any person under the age of 21 to possess or consume alcoholic beverages. Consequently, no one under the legal drinking age may consume, distribute or possess alcohol on University properties or as part of any University activity.”

It is against the law for any person under the age of 21 to sell, give, serve or permit alcoholic beverages to anyone under 21 years of age. Furthermore, servers can be held criminally responsible and civilly liable for serving to underage patrons. It is also against the law to be under the influence of, use, possess, distribute, sell, offer, or agree to sell, or represent to sell narcotics, hallucinogens, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances, except as where permitted by prescription or law.

Students found in violations of these are not only subject to criminal prosecution, but also to administrative sanctions, which can include expulsion from the University.

Protecting yourself date rape drugs, UCF warns every student to never leave their drink unattended. Since they are colorless, date rape drugs can be slipped into any type of beverage. Do not accept drinks from anyone but a bartender or server. Try to attend bars or parties with a group of friends, arranging beforehand to watch each other’s drinks. If you think your drink has been tampered with, seek medical attention immediately and request the hospital conduct toxicology testing. Your safety comes first!

If a student finds themselves in need of a treatment plan or in need of a referral, these programs are operated by Student Health Services’ Alcohol and Other Drugs Intervention Clinic. Appointments can be made by calling 407-823-2924 and the website is located here.

For more information on UCF’s Alcohol and Drug policy, visit UCF Police Department’s Info & Policy page.

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